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Hello and welcome to COVID Communiqué 44. We are all looking forward to hearing next week whether we will be able to mark Holy Week and share the joy of Easter together in our churches, or will be worshipping virtually. It’s important to remember that difficult as a second year apart at Easter might be, we are in a better place now as vaccinations bring hope of better times ahead.

Meanwhile, we have been updating some points in the pandemic plan. A list of updates is available here:  You can also see the complete, updated plan: In This Together Version 2.1 here:  Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the changes and make sure to work with this version from now on.

If you have any questions about preparing for Holy Week or the updated pandemic plan, please contact the COVID-19 help desk:

COVID Communiqué is produced by our senior staff:
Shane Parker, Bishop
Beth Bretzlaff, Dean
Linda Hill, Executive Archdeacon
Sanjay Grover, Director of Financial Ministry
Peter John Hobbs, Director of Community Ministries
Jane Scanlon, Director of Communications & Stewardship Development
Carol Sinclair, Director of Human Resources
Michael Garner, Public Health Advisor