Good evening all,
As information surrounding COVID-19 reaches widely into our personal and professional spaces, it can be overwhelming to navigate meeting our basic needs and engaging in safe and healthy practices.
The Anglican Church of Canada invites us to remain connected while we all wrestle with the challenges of social distance, and many churches across the country have used this opportunity to livestream or podcast sermons, Lenten studies, prayers, and discussions. The first section of the webpage includes previously aired broadcasts from Sunday, March 15, and the second section includes upcoming broadcasts. This can be accompanied in your Book of Common Prayer or Book of Alternative Services - and if you don't have one, PDF copies are also available at the link provided in the third section of the page.
If you are feeling inclined to participate in a Lenten study or reflection, it's not too late to sign up for PWRDF's Lenten Listening emails - the Gospel and reflection for each issue are provided along with the audio clips. For the most recent newsletter linked here, the contributor of this reflection on the Lent III Gospel is also a young adult and Postulant in the Diocese of Huron.
In last week's national Church update from the Primate, the Most Rev. Linda Nicholls quoted a few verses from Romans 8 that I hope everyone will carry with them through this time: "May God’s peace hold us in the midst of the fears that swirl around our communities and at time within our own hearts. May we find courage to compassionately care for one another and find strength in community. May we find comfort in the knowledge that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus." (Romans 8:38-39)
Social distancing can be incredibly isolating, so if you're looking to connect virtually to share a meal, discuss scripture, pass the time while doing chores, or just see a friendly face - join this Google Hangout group chat. You can enter text directly into the chat and for those who have Hangouts on a mobile device, you can get notifications directly in real time. I'll be online at dinnertime on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (between 6pm and 8pm) and I welcome anyone who wishes to join for a few minutes or a few hours. We can have up to 10 people on video at a time, but conversations are open to everyone! May you all find strength in community, wherever you are.