There are many groups offering resources for parents and families. If you are looking for thinks to do together and/or videos and stories to share, we hope some of these will help to enrich your time.
Why not download the Kingdom Kit as a family? This is a wonderful resource full of lots of activities for families with children of different ages. Some of the resources can be adapted including a great activity called ‘Rocket Prayers’ – perfect if you have a garden. Download the resource:
We hope this page will connect families together as our ministry leaders offer resources of at home prayers, worships, activities, crafts, games and more! Share, connect and join the community! (Includes Youth Group and Sunday school activities and events)
St. John's Anglican Sunday School Includes story time, Sunday School activities and regular Junior Virtual Youth Group
CLAY has just added new resources to our website including: "The Road We Are On Together" reflections on the #Emmaus story and our own journey stories.