Dear Friends,
“Alleluia! Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia! May his grace and peace be with you. May he fill our hearts with joy.”
Whether you are present at our Cathedral, worshipping via the livestream, or remembering the sound and feel of years past, this ancient greeting will take on new life and be particularly poignant and emotional as it rings out on Easter morning. What joy indeed as we celebrate together after two very long years!
Like any emotion, to experience joy in all its fullness, one must have experienced its opposite. William Prince, indigenous song-writer and performer, calls the past two years “the change.” At a recent concert, he spoke about how all of humanity has experienced deep grief over the same period of time. It has changed us – even if we don’t yet fully know how.
This photo, taken one day when I was enjoying the sacred space of our Cathedral and longing for it to be filled with prayers and song, tears and laughter, shows a progression of change: mostly darkness and a little light; beginning to see colour; and full on, bright, beautiful rays. However, depending on where one stands, the perspective is different. Although we have all experienced deep grief, much like the first disciples, the light of new life illumines our minds and opens our hearts in varying ways and at varying rates. Our common experience bonds us, our individual perspectives inform us, and the light of faith guides us.
Thank you for keeping the light alive through your faithfulness, courage, dedication, and generosity. May we all be open to receiving the joy of Jesus’ resurrection, taking on the responsibility of sharing the Good News of new life, and living into our vocation as God’s people here and now. May God who changed our world by choosing to live as one of us, experiencing every human experience and emotion, embrace you with strong love. May the joy of Mary’s proclamation of “I have seen the Lord!” ring out in your heart and life this Easter and always. Alleluia!
With deep gratitude for each one of you,
The Very Reverend Beth Bretzlaff
Dean and Rector