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The Presentation of the LordSunday, February 2nd, 2025 This Sunday there will be a quiet, said Holy Eucharist (BCP) at 8:30 am, and Choral Eucharist (BAS) at 10:30 am. The Very Reverend Beth Bretzlaff will be the preacher, and Voces Cathedrae will sing the Choral Eucharist. Readings: Malachi 3:1-4; Psalm 84; Hebrews 2:14-18; Luke 2:22-40 For more infomation visit: https://www.ottawacathedral.ca/events/the-presentation-of-the-lord--613
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WebinarSaturday, February 1st at 1 pm Join Archbishop Hosam Naoum and Dean Richard Sewell for a webinar to hear news of the Christian Community in Palestine and Israel in the wake of catastrophic violence and loss. Moderated by Bishop Shane Parker. Login information will be provided upon registering for this special event.
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Parking Now AvailableAt The Vista on Sparks David is looking very happy in this photo because after many long years, we now have underground parking available at The Vista on Sparks! It will take some time for all of us to learn and adjust, so please be patient with one another. The full instructions are linked below so please read them carefully. Basically, entry is off Queen Street, immediately east of the Cathedral, and all our parking is on the P1 Level. You MUST have the code to enter the parking garage and to re-enter and access the elevator (glass door across from the Cathedral's new east steps). The code is 4120. It will be posted at the reception desk and listed at the bottom of the newsletter each week. When it changes, there will be ample notification. If you enter the garage and there are no spots available, you will need to exit and find parking nearby. Happy parking! For more infomation visit:
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Fill Your LarderBefore and after the 10.30 am service on Sunday The Cathedral Women are will have the following frozen foods available for sale: apple pie, beef barley soup, beef chile, and spiked cheese spread. Please bring cash! |
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Annual Vestry Reports DueBy Noon on Wednesday, February 12th It is that time of year! If you are a group lead, you will soon be receiving an email regarding submission of your report for the due date as noted above. Please mark your calendars for the pre-vestry finance information meeting to be held on Sunday, March 2nd at noon, and vestry, which will be held on Sunday, March 9th at noon. |
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Let Light ShineThe Canadian Campaign for St. George's College Jerusalem St. George’s College Jerusalem is a gem of the worldwide Anglican Communion, welcoming thousands from around the world who seek to see, feel, and understand the biblical and contemporary richness of the land of the Holy One, and the Christians, Jews, and Muslims who live there. It is highly unlikely that pilgrimages will resume in the next twelve months and there are insufficient funds to provide already-reduced salaries for the College’s staff and essential operations. Let Light Shine: The Canadian Campaign for St. George’s College Jerusalem is seeking to raise $250,000 to cover these basic costs in 2025.Your support of our partner diocese through this campaign is greatly appreciated! Please consider making a donation.
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Offering EnvelopesAre now available For those who donate by using offering envelopes and have requested them for this year, they are now available on Sunday from the sidespeople or during the week during office hours. If you would like to give in this manner, please email attention the Envelope Secretary at info@ottawacathedral.ca. |
To Keep in Our PrayersThis week Our Cathedral Our Clergy and the Cathedral Prayer Team will pray for all requests sent to info@ottawacathedral.ca during the week. |
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More Information
Scripture Readings for Sunday, February 9th | Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany | Isaiah 6:1-8; Psalm 138; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11 Children's Worship Activities | Weekly worship bulletins, books and other activities are on the shelves at the entrance to the Cathedral. There is also a table in the Great Hall to use and the labyrinth to walk. If your child is interested in being a junior server, member of a choir, or a reader, please speak with our clergy. Hearing Assist Sets | Are available at every service from our sidespeople. Newsletter Deadline | Wednesdays at noon. General Info | Please visit our office, call 613.236.9149, or email info@ottawacathedral.ca. Office hours are Monday 9 am to noon, Tuesday to Thursday 9 am to 3 pm, and Friday from 9 am to noon, except during holiday seasons. Parking | 4120 is the current code for parking underground at The Vista on Sparks (entry from Queen Street). Street parking is free around the Cathedral on Sundays and other options for free and paid parking are noted on the map.