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First Sunday in LentSunday, March 9th, 2025 This Sunday there will be a quiet, said Holy Eucharist (BCP) at 8:30 am, and Choral Eucharist (BAS) at 10:30 am. The Very Reverend Beth Bretzlaff will give her Charge to Vestry, and the Lay Clerk Lower Voices will sing the Choral Eucharist.
Readings: Deuteronomy 26:1-11; Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16; Romans 10:8b-13; Luke 4:1-13 For more infomation visit: https://www.ottawacathedral.ca/events/first-sunday-in-lent--625/2025-03-09
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This WeekendSunday, March 9th at noon in the Great Hall Vestry is essentially the annual business meeting of our Cathedral, at which the budget for 2025 is presented and appointments and elections are made. All are welcome to attend, however to vote, you must be able to sign the following declaration: “I solemnly declare that: I am a member of this congregation of the Anglican Church of Canada; I am of the full age of sixteen years; I am a regular worshiper with this congregation; I do not intend to vote as a member of any other Vestry in the election of Church Wardens or of Members of Synod during the ensuing year, and I am a supporter of this congregation by regular contributions to its maintenance.”
Chancel EucharistSundays During Lent at 4 pm Gather up in the Chancel during the late afternoon when the light is soft and warm, for a lovely Sung Eucharist that features a liturgy from Iona. A wonderful time to be reflective during Lent.
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Letting Climate Justice RollThursday, March 13th at 6.30 pm on Zoom Our Lutheran partners are hosting a unique opportunity! The Lutheran Eastern Synod Climate Justice Committee will be previewing an exciting 200km bicycle trek from Montreal to Ottawa in May. With special guests, pilgrimage writer the Reverend Matthew Anderson and ecotheologian Dr. Sylvia Keesmaat, the ancient practice of pilgrimage will be connected to contemporary care for our planet's climate and ecological systems. Hopefully this will inspire other pilgrimages for creation! Join this event co-hosted by The Centre for Earth Consciousness and Gender Justice and the Centre for Spirituality and Media. For more infomation visit: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lAyNzWAQEacUiR-8wAzI9Xuv8gs8NUgUQqc534jPbZ4/edit?usp=sharing
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River through the Desert - A Lenten StudySundays, March 16th, 23rd, 30th, April 6th, 13th at Noon In these turbulent times when everything seems to be turned upside down, a pilgrimage is a great way to settle our hearts, minds, and souls. Travel to the Land of the Holy One my not be possible at the moment, but the Reverend Canon Richard Sewell, Dean of St. George’s College Jerusalem, has developed a Lenten resource to take us on a pilgrimage with Jesus.
Bring your coffee and lunch to the Wicksteed Room (in the Undercroft) after the 10.30 am service and join Canon Doug and Edward, who are facilitating this pilgrimage during Lent. |
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Food GaloreIt has been a good week! Last Saturday 60 people enjoyed an amazing five-course Boston themed dinner with delightful entertainment. Funds were raised for the Boys Choir and Lay Clerks who will embark on their first major trip together in May! Thanks to all who planned, organized, cooked, served, cleaned up, sang and attended - it was an awesome and delicious effort!
The Cathedral Men outdid themselves once again on Shrove Tuesday! Over 100 people enjoyed a wonderful "feed" of pancakes and sausages, as well as great fellowship. In the above photo, the Clark family (and friends) enjoy some of their product, Land's End Maple Syrup. Thank you to everyone who helped out and attended!
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Coming Back to LifeDevotions and activities for Lent In spring, after a long winter’s nap, an amazing thing happens: the world comes back to life! This devotional is full of ideas and activities that can help us wake up, too, along with all God’s creatures, preparing our hearts, minds, and communities for Easter’s great celebration.
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Living into God's DreamA Lent resource from Alongside Hope Weaving scripture, reflection and prayer together with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Anglican Marks of Mission, the Rev. Jonathan Rowe of the Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador, offers a rich tapestry in this year’s Alongside Hope Lenten resource. Titled Living into God’s Dream, the resource also offers the reader opportunity to reflect on questions, both personal and corporate and to learn more about Alongside Hope’s partners. CLICK HERE to learn more and subscribe For more infomation visit:
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Lift Up Your VoiceSinging through Lent and Easter “All of creation,” wrote St. Hildegard of Bingen, “is a song of praise to God” – a swirling symphony all around us. So for this year’s 40-day Lenten journey, why not take the Christian musical treasury as your guide, classic hymns and sacred songs bringing together big ideas and beautiful melodies? As the days lengthen, the birds will sing – and so will we, joining in with creation’s symphony of sorrow and joy, death and new life. Lift up your voice! (Please note that the play lists are at the end of the brochure, available via the QR codes).
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Lent and Easter BrochureServices and music Come, journey through Lent and celebrate Easter with joy at Christ Church Cathedral Ottawa!
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Thank YouDonations still being received Thanks to all who have made a donation to this campaign for St. George's College Jerusalem. Fundraising is ongoing through Lent, so please consider donating if you haven't already. For more infomation visit:
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To Keep in Our PrayersThis week Our Cathedral Our Clergy and the Cathedral Prayer Team will pray for all requests sent to info@ottawacathedral.ca during the week. |
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More Information
Scripture Readings for Sunday, March 16th| 2nd Sunday in Lent | Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18; Psalm 27:1, 4-9; Philippians 3:17-4:1; Luke 13:31-35 Children's Worship Activities | Weekly worship bulletins, books and other activities are on the shelves at the entrance to the Cathedral. There is also a table in the Great Hall to use and the labyrinth to walk. If your child is interested in being a junior server, member of a choir, or a reader, please speak with our clergy. Hearing Assist Sets | Are available at every service from our sidespeople. Newsletter Deadline | Wednesdays at noon. General Info | Please visit our office, call 613.236.9149, or email info@ottawacathedral.ca. Office hours are Monday 9 am to noon, Tuesday to Thursday 9 am to 3 pm, and Friday from 9 am to noon, except during holiday seasons. Parking | Street parking is free around the Cathedral on Sundays. Cathedral parking at the Vista on Sparks is off Queen Street, immediately east of the Cathedral, on the P1 Level. You MUST have the code to enter the parking garage and to re-enter and access the elevator (glass door across from the Cathedral's new east steps). The code is 4120. It will be posted at our reception desk and listed here each week. When it changes, there will be ample notification. If you enter the garage and there are no spots available, you will need to exit and find parking nearby. For more infomation visit: